Should Licensed Massage Therapists Accept Health Insurance?

Navigating the complex world of health insurance is a challenge for many professionals, and massage therapists are no exception. As the wellness industry grows and evolves, many licensed massage therapists (LMTs) are confronted with the question: Should they accept health insurance? While on the surface, this might seem like an avenue for expanding clientele and increasing revenue, the realities of health insurance often present various challenges. Here, we break down the pros and cons of integrating health insurance into a massage therapy practice.

1. The Credentialing and Network Challenges

Becoming an in-network provider with insurance companies requires a lengthy credentialing process. Here’s what it involves:

Paperwork and More Paperwork: From applications to background checks, the process can be tedious.

Wait Times: It can take several months to get approved as an in-network provider, and during this period, the therapist may be unable to bill the insurance company.

Limitations: Once approved, therapists may find they’re restricted in terms of the services they can provide and the rates they can charge.

2. The Painful Medical Billing Process

Medical billing is a specialized field for a reason. When massage therapists decide to accept insurance, they’re entering a world of:

Coding Complexities: Medical billing requires understanding specific codes for each service provided.

Delayed Payments: Unlike clients who pay right after their session, insurance claims can take weeks or even months to process.

Claim Denials: Therapists might face denials that necessitate follow-ups and resubmissions, eating up valuable time.

3. Facing the Rigors of Insurance Audits

Audits by insurance companies can be:

Time-Consuming: Preparing for an audit means digging up records, invoices, and session notes.

Stressful: The possibility of having to repay the insurance company after an audit can cause significant stress and financial strain.

4. Who’s the Real Customer?

When insurance gets involved, the dynamic shifts. Instead of focusing solely on the client’s wellbeing and satisfaction, therapists may find themselves catering to the demands and stipulations of insurance companies. This shift can detract from the personalized, client-centric approach that many therapists value.

5. Limited Insurance Benefits for Massage Therapy

The reality is that very few insurance plans offer comprehensive benefits for massage therapy. Clients may still have to pay a substantial out-of-pocket amount, and therapists might find that the effort put into billing insurance doesn’t correspond with a significant uptick in clients seeking insurance-covered massage services.

Choose Your Adventure

While the idea of accepting health insurance as a licensed massage therapist might sound appealing initially, the associated burdens – from the challenging credentialing process to the intricacies of medical billing – can be overwhelming. Moreover, with the focus shifting from the client to appeasing insurance requirements, therapists might feel they’re losing touch with the essence of their profession.

For most LMTs, the personal connection and the art of healing are at the heart of why they chose this path. Entangling their practice in the red tape of insurance might not only prove to be an administrative headache but could also distance them from the very essence of their work.

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AJ Centore, Ph.D.

AJ Centore, Ph.D.

AJ (Anthony) Centore Ph.D. is Founder at Sageworks® Massage Therapy, Founder and Chair at Thriveworks (a mental health practice with 250+ locations).

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